Welcome to the Jevitty Community!


Great news. The Jevitty App is now live on the App Store!

We are grateful to you for helping to develop the revolutionary Jevitty Experience. Together, we will continue to improve Jevitty in the years, decades and centuries to come! Jevitty is YOUR adventure!

 App Store

Direct link to download: apps.apple.com/ca/app/jevitty/id1627313136

New Sign Up

For our beta users, you will need to sign up again by tapping Join Program. The test database is not transferred; however, your body composition data and reports are safe.

Jevitty Scan Integration

For our customers who have completed their Jevitty Scan by Bodycomp Imaging, please use the same email address you used for your scan registration to access your body composition scans in the app.

Share Your Feedback

To remind, if you have not shared your feedback yet, please fill out the form here: app.jevitty.com/10-questions-for-beta-testers/

If you have any further questions or need assistance while setting up the app, do not hesitate to contact us at support@jevitty.com